Összegyűjtöttem pár, álltalam kedvelt társasjáték-mozgatórugót. Gondolkozom, hogyan lehetne ezeket vegyíteni.
Not enough resources
This is the classic "German game" source of tension: you don't have enough resources to do everything that you want to. This isn't restricted to quantity of resources, but may also pertain to type as well; in a game with 4 resource types, it may only be possible to acquire two or three types at a time, restricting your options. Examples of this abound, and include Puerto Rico, Settlers of Catan, and even Monopoly.
Not enough time
This is a close relative of "not enough resources", if one says that time is a resource. The idea here is that the number of turn actions you have available is limited, and so again, you can't do everything you want to. Examples of this include Acquire's restriction of only 3 stock purchases per turn, Wallenstein's limit of one action per territory per turn, and Tikal's limit of 10 action points per turn.
Short-term vs. long-term
You have a choice of mutually exclusive actions such that one is certain (or very likely) to improve your short-term position or score, while another may lead to greater long-term success, but with a possibility of failure. This is similar to "press your luck", but involves two or more courses of action. For example, in RoboRally, when you land on a double-wrench space, you can either repair 2 points of damage (short-term benefit) or take an option card (long-term benefit, but you may get a relatively worthless card, and you have to manage with your current level of damage).
Build or attack?
Again, you have a choice of mutually exclusive actions, where one may directly improve your own position or score, and another will hamper or worsen another player's position or score. A simple example of this is Mille Bornes, where you can either play a mileage card to get closer to your goal, or play an accident/out of gas/etc. card on another player to slow them down. In multiplayer games (Drakon is a good example), you can often manipulate this to force another player to "attack" someone who is about to win while you move yourself closer to winning.